Over the years, ALPHA Education has partnered with local school boards and educators to engage students in the forgotten history of World War II in Asia. As a multicultural society, the learning of this history is critical for a range of students to see their own identities and histories reflected in the school curriculum and classroom discussion.
This we know, allows for greater student achievement, as outlined in the Ontario Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy. Also, by examining this history, students can begin to recognize their role as leaders, capable of transforming their local and global communities so that atrocities of the past are never repeated in the future.
Our workshops are interactive in nature. We encourage active student participation and critical reflection through games, documentaries, drama, art, writing activities, and more! The content and length of each workshop can be modified to fit your needs.
If you are interested in our range of workshops, please contact us at info@alphaeducation.org.
Some examples of our workshops include:

Walk Awhile in Our Shoes
Using film clips of testimonies of women survivors of WW2 in Asia, engage in understanding how power systems permitted the militarized sexual slavery to happen. At the same time using an arts-based activity to recognise, within the testimonies, the empowered voices of the survivors in seeking reconciliation, who are also messengers of hope and peace. What lessons can we learn with respect to human trafficking and issues of oppression and exploitation?

The Butterfly Effect: The Road to Reconciliation
Empower our students to give voice to the stories of women silenced by violence. Through exploring their traumatic experience and journey toward healing, students engage in hands-on activities to unpack power relations and systems, as well as to connect with art-based activities.

Exploring the Links between Racism and Sexism: The Lesser Known History of the Batavia Trials
Despite knowing about the plight of local "comfort women," the Allied forces failed to recognise the injustice they suffered and only prosecuted cases on behalf of Indo-European or Dutch Nationals in the Batavia Trials. This workshop encourages students to reflect about the links between sexism and racism, and how even processes meant to vindicate women's rights and dignity can still reproduce hierarchies of sex and race.

Uncovering the How and Why of the Military Sexual Slavery System through Primary Sources
In this workshop, students dig deep into an archive of Japanese primary documents to explore the critical issues of the rationale and precise nature behind the Japanese military's establishment of a sexual slavery system. The purpose of this workshop is to engage students in critical thinking, media literacy, and understanding the effects and methods of historical revisionism.

Roots of Equality, Gender-based Violence & “Comfort Women”
To understand systematic violence against women, students will examine the treatment of women who were forced into the Japanese military sexual slavery system during WWII and reflect on the contemporary issues that arise from such events.
The Role of Ethics in Science
Focusing on crimes against humanity such as the atrocities committed at Unit 731, students will examine the human and chemical experimentations that were conducted by members of the Japanese Imperial Army during WWII.

The Nanking Massacre, Preserving the Forgotten Past
The Nanking Massacre was a horrific atrocity that occurred during World War II in Asia. By looking at contemporary issues, students will explore the ways in which history is interpreted using primary sources; and how these sources are meshed in the political dispute over the matter of preserving the forgotten past.
Connections to Canada
This workshop engages students in interactive inquiry on Canada’s involvement in World War II in Asia, focusing on the Battle of Hong Kong, the struggle of the ethnic minority Canadian troops, Canadian POWs, and the internment of Japanese-Canadians.

The Role of Social Documentaries in Change
Documentary film, with a well-executed social impact strategy, can have substantial impact on social change. Students will explore a few documentaries related to history of WWII in Asia and how these films contribute to the social change of peace and reconciliation.
Answering the Call to Social Action
By looking into the human stories that gave voice to the voiceless in the context of WWII in Asia, students explore the roles of social activists and learn how to empower themselves to make positive changes towards world peace.