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Inspire       Empathize       Create the Future 

Why World War II Asia?

In remembrance and education, World War II in Asia is much less known, studied, and commemorated than WWII in Europe. ALPHA Education promotes historical inquiry not only as events, but also to ask questions of the root causes, legacies, and the atrocities of WWII in Asia as important humanity lessons for the present.  

If we are to learn lessons from human sufferings caused by war and armed conflict in order to advocate for global peace, it is critical that they are part of the learning experiences of young people in schools, universities, and colleges.

ALPHA Education builds the future by inspiring inquiry about the interconnectedness of the past, present, and future in history-writing as well as history-making.


Our Approach

Our education programs are designed using the following frameworks:

  • Historical Thinking: Historical significance, cause and consequence, continuity and change, historical perspective. (The Ontario Curriculum: Canadian & the World Studies Grades 9 – 10 and Grades 11 -12, 2018)

  • Equity and Inclusive Education: Understand intersectionality, power and privilege, detect bias and discrimination

  • Global competence: Investigate the world, recognize perspectives, communicate ideas, take action

      (Teaching Global Competence in a Rapidly Changing World. OECD/Asia Society 2018)

Key components of our programs are …

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To engage in Historical Inquiry


To learn Ethical decision-making and values

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To understand histories from Multiple Perspectives

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To give Voice to silenced victims and survivors

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To be inspired to Make a Difference

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To make Connections between historical and current day Issues




1775 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto, ON M1R 2X7

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